Development of stable qubits and error correction in quantum computer architecture for superconducting quantum processors


  • Hengki Tamando Sihotang Institute of Computer Science, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
  • Rimmar Siringoringo Institut Teknologi Dan Bisnis Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Fristi Riandari Institute of Computer Science, Indonesia
  • Jiang Lou Song Technical University of Munich, München, Germany
  • Lee Choi Sim Technical University of Munich, München, Germany


Coherence Time Extension, Quantum Computing, Quantum Error Correction, Stable Qubits, Superconducting Quantum Processors


A comprehensive mathematical model formulation is presented, encompassing gate fidelity optimization, coherence time extension, stabilizer code evolution, and surface code implementation. The research demonstrates significant advancements in qubit stability, with a 7% increase in gate fidelity and a remarkable 50% extension in coherence time achieved through optimized gate operations and material improvements. Quantum error correction techniques, guided by the Lindblad master equation and the surface code, result in a 25% reduction in error rates, contributing to the overall stability of the quantum processor. The outcomes not only bring practical quantum computing closer to realization but also provide a foundation for future innovations. The research identifies avenues for continued optimization, including advanced gate designs, exploration of emerging qubit technologies, and the development of sophisticated error correction codes. Further interdisciplinary collaborations and investigations into scalable quantum architectures, materials science, and cryogenic engineering are essential for overcoming remaining challenges. The insights gained contribute to the advancement of fault-tolerant quantum computing systems, offering transformative capabilities for computation and technology.


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How to Cite

Sihotang, H. T., Siringoringo , R., Riandari, F., Song , J. L., & Sim, L. C. (2023). Development of stable qubits and error correction in quantum computer architecture for superconducting quantum processors. Journal of Computer Science and Research (JoCoSiR), 1(4), 104–109. Retrieved from